My Top fitness App (FREE)

Hi guys!
There's an app I've been using on my phone now for a while, It is called 'My Fitness Pal' Available on iPhone's, BlackBerry's, and most androids. 
This app is great for monitoring your daily caloric intake; It does this by estimating the calories in the food you eat.
I started off just playing about with it, it is very good as it has thousands of menus available! From brown bread to even Jollof rice! Name the food, its probably on there.
It can help you work out a daily plan for your caloric intake and set yourself a weight loss target. 
You can set it to remind you to input results for days or times you forget.

This is my messy way of showing you how it can be used.

1. This shows the main screen of the app on my Samsung S3. Here you can navigate through the app, check daily weekly and monthly results, and add to your daily food diary.

2. This option allows you to enter your breakfast, lunch dinner, and even snacks. you can also use it to input the exercise you did in the day. from walking to running even dancing!

3. This is where t gets really interesting, try typing out the food you have eaten and the Amazed by the precision of the results you get! (Most of the time)

4. here, you can input the quantity you consumed, maybe 1 or 2 servings of Jollof for example? Try to be as honest to the app as possible, it is there to help you.

5. Click add now for the food to be added to your food diary for the day. repeat action for lunch, dinner and snack.

6. Here you can add the exercise you done. you can even add the time you played that WII exercise game for!

7. This app is great as it helps to also monitor your water intake! How many cups have you drank today?

8. Clicking on the yellow flashing icon on Figure.8 will allow you to navigate through the app and change things like your profile setting, age, name, weight. et.c. you can also change the settings of the app, like when to remind you to input breakfast or not to remind you at all.

You can even set this app to request a pass-code to keep your diary to yourself!

Great or what?

You can get your friends to follow you by the add friends option also available.

You can check their website for options to download to your phone at:

To contact me
Number: +447930576494
Facebook : IAmTolaAdeking
Instagram: TolaAdeking
Twitter: TolaAdeking
BBM: 2930E62A

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